Future proofing for generations to come…
Inadequate playing facilities and availability of suitable land have been limiting factors to the development of St. Peter’s GAA Club, Warrenpoint for decades. The Club currently operates a multi facility strategy on four separate sites in the Warrenpoint area.
For over 40 years, St. Peter’s GAA Club’s priority from a facilities perspective, has been to purchase the ‘Pony Field’ at Moygannon which is located between the Club’s current GAA pitch at Pairc Liam Uí Ír and the main Warrenpoint/Rostrevor Road.
St. Peter’s Patron/Standing Order Option FormDownload Now
With loan assistance from the GAA at Croke Park and the Ulster Community Investment Trust Ltd (UCIT), the club acquired 5.54 acres at Moygannon, known as the ‘Pony Field’ from the Hall Estate on 20th December 2018, which will provide direct access from the main Warrenpoint/ Rostrevor Road and address current significant safety issues.
To provide for current and future GAA needs in Warrenpoint, a three phased Capital Development Project is planned:
- Phase 1: funding the acquisition of the ‘Pony Field’;
- Phase 2: the conversion of the Pony Field into a GAA pitch, with no plans to provide floodlights; and
- Phase 3: the provision of modern dressing rooms and facilities within the original grounds of Pairc Liam Ui Ir.
The total net project cost is estimated at £750k and it is believed that a £400k commitment will be required from club supporters before the 1st August 2019, to allow the project to proceed as planned.
It is also hoped to secure some grant assistance and benefit from Gift Aid re Patrons’ donations. As a result, 40 plus project warriors have come together under the Chairmanship of the Club Development Officer, Feargal McCormack to form a St. Peter’s GAA Warrenpoint Development Fund Steering Group.
A Proud History…
St. Peter’s GAA Club, Warrenpoint (Cumann Pheadair Naofa C.L.G.), with record membership of 807 members, currently operates as a fully integrated urban club model for GAA, Camogie and Ladies Gaelic Football.
The GAA in Warrenpoint has a proud history of over 130 years and pre-dates St. Peter’s, when the first club John Martin’s was formed in 1888, the club fell into hard times in the mid 1920’s and ceased for a few years and was re-established in 1931 with a new name: St. Peter’s.
Operating at the heart of its local community, for whole of family, for whole of life, St. Peter’s GAA Club has 22 teams and 100 plus games coaches, and provides a full range of community, cultural, and health and well being activities.
St. Peter’s Patron/Standing Order Option FormDownload Now
Become a St. Peter’s GAA Warrenpoint Development Fund Patron today
The proposal is, we would ask at least 400 people to make a commitment to a contribution of 70p per day for the next 4 years.
In order to implement this proposal and to facilitate efficient and practical administration of the project, only 4 options are available to people who wish to commit to be Patrons of the St. Peter’s GAA Development Fund and these are:
Choose from one of 4 easy options…

A commitment prior to 1 August 2019, to make a MONTHLY STANDING ORDER payment of #21 per month for 4 years; or

A commitment to make 4 ANNUAL STANDING ORDER PAYMENTS on 1st August each year, commencing 1 August 2019, for 4 years of £250; or

A commitment to make a SINGLE PAYMENT of £1,000 prior to 1 August 2019; or

If personal circumstances permit, Patrons, may wish to exceed these contribution levels, however commitments in terms of Cash or Standing Orders would need to be completed, prior to 1 August 2019.
St. Peter’s Patron/Standing Order Option FormDownload Now
Tax Ref. CH1471, CASC Number: 00582 Club Mark Certificate Number: CER 2015100175. Ongoing Club operational expenditure and funding requirements, will continue unaffected. Twinning Agreement with Lugdunum CLG, Lyon, France
Your community, your club, your decision…
First, may we thank you for giving the Our Vision Project your consideration and thank you for all your ongoing support and kindness.
We believe as the current generation, it is our responsibility to secure an exciting future for St Peter’s GAA Club for this and future generations.
For the preferred development of Pairc Liam Uí ír, we believe that there must be an emphasis on strong leadership and collective teamwork.
If the St. Peter’s Development project is to be successfully implemented, we believe it will require a great TEAM effort. In terms of TEAM St. Peter’s GAA Club we mean working Together Everybody Achieves More. We all need to work together with a common community and united Club goal, to MAKE IT HAPPEN.
As sure, as night follows day, individuals make CHOICES everyday. Individual actions matter, and can be a force for change.
In conclusion, we pose the following three questions to you, in respect of the St. Peter’s GAA Club Warrenpoint Development Project:
If not now, when?, If not us, who?, If not together, how?
To put this another way, in ten words “if it is to be, it is up to us”.
Should you wish to discuss this project or have any questions, please contact in confidence: any member of the St Peter’s Club Development Fund Steering Committee or email: secretary.warrenpoint.down@gaa.ie.
We attach a St. Peter’s Patron/Standing Order Option Form, which should be completed and returned to St. Peter’s GAA Club Warrenpoint Development Fund c/o Feargal McCormack, ‘Dun Darach’, 24 The Woodland, Warrenpoint, Co Down BT34 3WL
St. Peter’s Patron/Standing Order Option FormDownload Now