Katrina Kernan has managed to secure two vital training sessions for the club in the coming weeks. The first of which is a worshops delivered Ulster GAA on Concussion Awareness for all club members and coaches. The workshop will take place on Thursday 25 February at 8pm in the clubrooms and will last approximatley an hour. The course will highlight the importance of knowing how to recognise and deal with concussion.

The second course is a  Red Cross First Aid Training Course suitable for all coaches and mentors on Sat 6th Feb  10am-2pm in the clubrooms. The training will cover likely sporting injuries on the field, and cover basic emergency life support with defibrillator training. On completion of this course participants will be awarded a British Red Cross Certificate.


There are limited spaces still available on both courses, if you wish to register contact katrinakernan @hotmail.co.uk or call 078763361056

By michelle Mon 1st Feb